Roos de Waaij

Roos de Waaij

Roos (BA, MA Missiology) and her husband Arjan served in Zambia for a year before starting their studies at Cornerstone. After completing these studies in 2010, Roos, Arjan and their four children spent five years in Burkina Faso and Mali, where Roos worked with...
Jens Auer

Jens Auer

Jens (BA equiv. Forest engineering) After having worked in forestry for six years he and his family lived in Senegal/Westafrica for 12 years before coming to Cornerstone as staff members in 2018. From 2001-2003 he and his wife had been students at Cornerstone...
Conni Auer

Conni Auer

Conni (BA equiv. Primary Ed) developed a special love for missionary families and their specific needs while being dorm mum and director of Bourofaye Christian School in Senegal. She is passionate about seeing personal and spiritual growth in young and also not so...
Johannes Böker

Johannes Böker

(MTh equivalent) trained as a motor mechanic and studied theology in both Tübingen, Germany and Adelaide, South Australia. He then worked as a pastor with the German protestant Church, before joining WEC in 1993. Johannes worked at a bible school in Guinea-Bissau as a...
Ania Adamkiewicz

Ania Adamkiewicz

Ania (MSE) is Polish and worked in missions in many summer camps in Croatia. She loved serving at her Polish church in the area of discipleship and cooperating with missionaries. After finishing Technical University she worked in a few big production companies for...
Lydie Fogle

Lydie Fogle

Lydie trained as a nurse in France and later as a midwife in Switzerland. She did exchange service in the USA with the Mennonites. She also studied Spanish in Spain and helped out in a Christian drug rehabilitation ministry. She then served in Haiti with SEL. She...